Friday, March 20, 2009


The New Birth is a new and unique experience one receives as a result of salvation. It is generally termed “Born Again”. It comes as a result of receiving Jesus Christ into one’s heart or life.
He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name
[John.1:11; 12]
The new birth experience is the requirement for entering the Kingdom of God. [John.3:3].
The new birth experience is like one who sleeps at night and wakes up into a new day. He puts the things of the past behind him and press forward towards the future [Phil.3:13]. When one becomes born again, he is like a new born babe. He knows nothing, and nothing is held against him. The new believer must now see himself as that: old things are past away, and all things have become new [2 Cor.5:17].

One receives this only by following God’s principle of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. He confesses Jesus Christ as Lord which means he submits his life: body, soul and spirit to the Lordship of Jesus. The implication of this thus, is that the believer has no control over his own life: “For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s” 1Cor.6:20.

The essential TRUTH in all of this is that the sinner whose status was towards eternal destruction has been saved from that path. He who was once an alien to God has now become a SON of GOD, he who was once a slave, under the bondage of Satan has now become an authority over Satan himself.
But the question is always faced by this new convert on the certainty of his salvation; it is the question of how are you sure you are saved? This has always been one Satan’s strategy to deceive new believer in order to take them back to where they have been delivered from. Have you ever thought in yourself after you responded to the alter call and said the prayers that nothing physically changed about you, and you say within yourself: Is this what is all about? Its not new, most new convert until taught what their new status is often cannot comprehend what has taken. Because of this the devil can easily take advantage if proper caution is not applied. There is this misconception often by people of the world to assume that when one becomes born again he should be changed immediately. This becomes a major challenge for the new believer to live up to that standard. Often times they fall into temptation without preparation and not able to handle it. So they run into their shell not understanding why, cannot face the world. In some cases the believer wouldn’t want anyone to know of his new experience, they are shy about it, some won’t walk with the Bible in their hands, all because they are not sure if they are saved. They cannot defend what they don’t know.
So if you are asked how you are sure you're saved, what will your reply be?

1 comment:

  1. I see myself in the image your thought, Pastor.Your blog is to me a promise of more faith for the faithfulls, and I encourage you to keep this christain flame for all to see it glow in the name of Jesus, Amen.
    akmid B . Mansaray
